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Image swiper
Image swiper
Image swiper
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Image swiper
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Image swiper
Image swiper



A hectic day

Day 45: Monday, June 12, 2023

A hectic day

Finally, we could get to work. On Monday morning our new batteries and generator arrived. The crew worked efficient and within just 2,5 hours, 24 batteries were replaced with new ones and our new generator was lifted in place, ready to be connected.

Downstream - a little worried

In the afternoon we were ready to take off for Regensburg. The current was about 3-4 kts, so we needed to plan for maneuvering, how to stop and how we could turn in the river. It is actually much more challenging going downstream than upstream. Just before we came to our mooring spot in Regensburg, we had to make a 180 degree turn upstream. We were a little stressed, but made the turn like pros.

A nice evening in Regensburg

Our friends here had arranged for us to dock right in the centre of the city and not long after arrival, visitors came to see our ship and to hear more about our epic voyage.