We're grateful to have passed 2000 followers 🙂 It is amazing to know that all of you find our epic voyage interesting. Saga Farmann is doing good. Yesterday we crossed Adrian sea in a 16 hour leg in nice 12-16 kn backwinds and 2-3 m waves. Today we do another long leg of 10 hours down the Italian coast. Long sailing days requires that we split the crew in watch teams, rolling the task of handling the ship, doing deck work or sleep 🙂

Saga Farmann has reached the beautiful island of Syros where we will have a change of crew. Winds tomorrow will be fair, and we hope to leave early in the morning. The big discussion in whether we will be able to tack against the wind. What's your advice?

Sail theory as we are motoring to Vis in Croatia. There's a lot ro learn to be able handle a viking ship under sail; ropes, knots, routines, aerodynamics and safety. Nice day on board Saga Farmann 🙂

The vikings travelled the world and established relationships and trade routes, got inspired by foreign cultures and left us all with some interesting stories to tell.

We would like to revisit sites and cities to remind us all about these relationships that resides from centuries ago.

These are times for friendship, cross-cultural understanding and sharing of common history.
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